As a part of an effort to maintain its 2000 years of tradition, Songpa offers traditional arts performances on the stage of Seoul Norimadang every weekend.
Yesong Museum presents a wide selection of gracious artwork and is open free to the public. The Wednesday Stage of the Municipal Center offers a wide variety of cultural performances such as musicals, concerts, and puppet shows to respond to people’s cultural needs.

On the waterside stage of Seokchon Lake and Seongnae Stream, a variety of cultural performances can be seen.
As the number of foreign residents and immigrants for marriage grows year by year, the city of Songpa provides helpful programs to support an easy transition to life in Korea. Particularly, the Songpa Multi-Cultural Family Center offers Korean classes, cultural understanding classes, Korean tradition classes, job training and small business training as well as children’s education services and health care services.
Municipal Culture, Arts Troupes and Sports Teams
In Songpa, there are a total of seven arts troupes and sports teams composed of Songpa residents including a chorale, an orchestra and a women’s soccer team.